When all else fails…

When you’ve tried everything and still you feel bad, still you feel unfilled, still you are wondering what it’s all about, then you may be in a position to give up, to let go, to stop trying to work it all out for yourself. And if you reach this point within yourself, then may be ready for Divine Love Spirituality.

All other spiritual and religious systems are based on the negative, a self- and feeling-denial state of mind and will. They will only serve to keep you bound up within it. They might help you live more happily and with greater feelings of self-power and even self-love and love of God, however it will all still only be within the negative.

Divine Love Spirituality is about helping you recognise that you are trapped within the negative and then helping you to heal yourself of it.

So when you’ve finally had enough of living in a self-abusive, unloving, feeling-denying state, when you’re fully prepared to give it all up, then you may be ready to consider uncovering the truth of your negative state.

But until you reach this point, Divine Love Spirituality will probably not be very appealing as it doesn’t offer any of the usual and familiar ways to strengthen your dependance of your negative state. It does all it can to help you rid yourself of it. And by doing so it will make you confront a lot of what you are using the other systems of belief to avoid. And so unless you truly want to live true, giving up all the falseness of the other ways, then it will seem too much at odds with what you want to do.

Divine Love Spirituality waits for those people who sincerely want to find the truth of themselves through their feelings. It is the opposite way to all other existing systems, which it has to be if it’s going to be of any help in leading you out of the negative state you’re already in.

(9) Message from Mary Magdalene

part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

All of the things we tell you are to stimulate you into thinking about things. Everything in life is for that purpose. As you are stimulated you should start to see that it is not as straightforward as you thought. You may never have really looked into such issues. But once you allow yourself to, and start to feel the feelings good or bad, and start speaking about them and seeking the truth of them, you will enter into your own life and start to be a real functioning participator.

Too many people try to live what is written in the Bible. But you can’t, and it’s absurd to even try. You can take from it bits and pieces as they are relevant to your life, as you can take bits and pieces from any book, but it should be only treated as just another book, nothing special, only a collection of writings from long ago, and writings of very little truth.

If you are not open to everything, you will not allow yourself all experiences, and will limit yourself accordingly. All of the personal issues that arise from your feelings will need you to be open to all sources of input, so you can get what you need to help you to see the truth you are looking for. If you limit yourself to the Bible, or any other book, you will go no further than what it offers. If you limit yourself to what your parents told you, or school, or whatever else, you will limit yourself accordingly. If you pray to the Father for His Love, and ask Him to help you to understand the Truth, and Him alone, you will limit yourself. If you accept Jesus only into your life, you will limit yourself. And how you will limit yourself, as you will, you will have many unconscious limitations you rigidly adhere to, then you will cut yourself of from many otherwise enlightening and truth revealing experiences. So when you feel a limitation, acknowledge it, speak about it, and try to see why it is a limitation: how it came to be, how your parents limited you in that way. When you do find all the truth, the limitation will no longer limit you.

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(8) Message from Mary Magdalene

part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

Jesus and I want you to start to look deeper into yourselves to find this all out for yourselves. What we are telling you, you will still have to discover for yourself. We have told you the way to do it, but still as you go, you will see for yourself all that we are saying and much much more. You blame the cult for being bad because it indoctrinates people, it brainwashes them and seems to take over their mind and rational powers of mental deduction. But look at how you are parented! Look how in every day of your child life you are brainwashed, told how to be, told when to do things – controlled. There is no stronger cult than your negative evil self-denying unloving family cults. As a child you have no past or future mind capacity to draw on experience to tell you if what your parents are saying is right or wrong, you exist in the moment, and if they are yelling at you, what happens to your little struggling and vulnerable mind as you are blasted out of your senses? You are subjected to cruel experimentation through power and control by your well-meaning parents, who say they are lovingly teaching you about life.

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(3) Message from Jesus

part of a message from Jesus – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

… When you fully heal your soul, being able to fully and freely express your will, and by doing so, fully and freely choose to live the will of God, you won’t ever feel like you’re nothing but a slave to God. You will feel fully liberated from your enslavement of your negative, unloving, evil, negative mind state. These people who choose to prostitute themselves to the church are only consigning their soul to the devil, to the very evil they believe the church is helping them eradicate. They are giving their power away to an institution that tells them how to live, how to be, what to eat, when to do things, it’s all highly controlling; and do you see James, they are just giving themselves over to another family, with the power that’s in the church being as their parents, and they the little children still being told what to do or else. To have to present yourself each week to confess your sins, is nothing more than fronting up to your parents and admitting all the bad things you’ve done, and then gratefully accepting your punishment for being a bad boy. It’s being completely subservient with no freedom whatsoever, all occurring under the pretence that they love God, that God loves them, and that they feel so deeply loved by God. The very same pretence that they love their parents with, and their parents love them. This so-called love is only them feeling good because they are being obedient to their parents and aren’t getting into trouble, aren’t being told off, aren’t being rejected. Their parents are accepting them so long as they do what they are told, and be good, and obey doing what is asked them; so long as they comply with all the rules. And with such obedient submissive acceptance they feel better than when they are rejected feeling unloved, so they believe they feel loved, that the church and God and their parents love them. But it’s all a delusion. It’s love based on relativity’s, it’s not true and genuine love, and it’s what Mary has been trying to point out to you – it’s not love at all! It’s a contrivance of emotion that you choose to call love. You so desperately need to have love within your life, because a life without it is intolerable, yet the sad irony is that you don’t feel loved, not real and true love, only this false love from parents, and the same false love these people now believe they feel from God.

It is very easy for the natural love spirits to fill your auric system with light, stimulating your system into overload of natural love and good feelings, making you believe that it’s God’s love you’re feeling, making you weep and sing and cry out in some sort of self-induced emotional and mental ecstasy, but it’s all false. It’s all contrived by ones mind, and none of it is based on any truth.

And the more they honour their negative state this way; the more they obey the church and do all the right things, then the more they are the good little boy or girl, and the more it would seem they get rewarded. Good things happen for them, money or good health comes to them, they get what they want, even what they dream of, and they believe God is rewarding their faith. But God is doing nothing more than ensuring that their negative belief patterns are honoured, just as they want them to be. Certainly God makes such good things happen, but all because it’s what they want. All because they want to live further and deeper in their self and feeling-denial. Were they to want to live true, to themselves and God, then such good things would no longer happen, making them face the truth of why they weren’t, and why they were now feeling bad. By making these good things happen, God is merely doing what deep down they want their parents to do for them – make them feel better, make then believe by bringing about good things, that they are loved by their parents. But love doesn’t come about just because good things happen. They want their parents, and so God, to give them good things as rewards for being good, thereby falsely believing their parents and God love them, just as they were trained and taught as young children to believe. If you are well behaved, then good things will happen to you, if not, then bad things will happen, this being what they are forced to believe. So to have a good thing happen means, and so proves, you are good and NOT bad. And that’s all that matters to the child mind, the child mind that has been subjected to such evil manipulation. These people were rewarded in some way, or led to believe they would be, by their parents, if they were good. If they were good little boys and girls and obeyed their rulers they would get rewarded, and so such negative patterns were developed during their childhood leading to such expectations. And being in your negative state, it’s these negative patterns that dictate your life, getting a reward being part of the pattern formed during your early years for being good, then so too will you keep getting rewards throughout your adult life as the patterns repeat and manifest determining your life. YOU CAN ONLY LIVE THE PATTERNS THAT WERE DEVELOPED THROUGH YOUR EARLY CHILDHOOD (UP UNTIL YOUR INDWELLING SPIRIT ARRIVED), AS AN ADULT. THAT IS, UNTIL YOU’VE STARTED TO DO YOUR HEALING. As your patterns are all based on a negative structure then good and bad things will happen determined by such patterns. Only by healing these patterns will you stop them, replacing them with positive love-based patterns…

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If you were to ask me…

Now, if you were to ask me for my spiritual advice, that being what I dreamed and hoped people would ask me for, up until years into my soul-healing when now as I write this I hear myself saying: and who do I think I am! However, as this is my blog and I can finally say all the things I’ve dreamed of saying, I can write whatever I want, so I will begin again.

If you were to ask me for my spiritual advice, if you were to ask me: ‘What should I do now?’ I would ask you in reply: ‘Do you want the Truth?’

And most likely you would say yes, and I would think, ah-ha, like we all do, but will this person want it enough to do whatever it takes to get it. So I ask you, will you? Will you be prepared to give up absolutely everything, everything you like and love, if that is what it will take for you to uncover the whole truth of yourself?

And if you were to quickly reply: ‘Yes’, then I would probably be suspicious and think to myself, here we go again, should I bother wasting my time with this person? And if you were to stop and think about the question, and I mean to really think about it; and were you brave and honest enough to say: ‘well that might be difficult, I don’t think I could give up everything, but I really do want to find the truth of myself’, then I might think to myself, okay, well there’s only one place to begin, and to take it one step at a time.

And so I would advise you to begin by longing for the Divine Love of your Heavenly Mother and Father. And then I would advise you to start finding out what was involved in doing your soul-healing, that being the healing of your childhood repression through your bad-feeling-acceptance as you developed your relationship with God.

And I would advise you to start reading. The Padgett Messages, and some of my books, those that introduce Mary Magdalene’s truths to balance Jesus, and those about the healing.

And if you were to ask me: ‘And what about other spiritualities, other books, other religions, and beliefs like reincarnation?’, I would say, forget them (well most of them), they will only distract you from your feelings keeping you bound up in your feeling-denial negative mind state; and it’s by going into your feelings – finding out the truth of why you have them – that you will uncover the truth of yourself for yourself.

And if you were to ask me: ‘What am I in for?’

I would say, a lot of pain. That most people look to a spiritual system or religion in the hope of finding a way to rid themselves of any pain, of any bad feelings; in the hope of finding a better way of life, of even becoming more of a success in life. But that is not what DLS is all about. It will help you go the other way, into your bad feelings, into all your repressed and hidden pain, and sure, it will help you find a new and better way of life, but I can assure you, it won’t be the one you were expecting.

Divine Love Spirituality will take you into yourself, and so against most of what you know as living in the world. And as we live in a world of complete wrongness, with even those who are doing good still doing so within the wrong; and if you want to heal all that is wrong within you, all your imperfection and self-denial, then you will be going in the opposite direction to what you know. And to do that, is at times, extremely difficult.

And if you were to ask me if I would help you along the way? I would say, yes, but there is not much I can do for you. You are more than welcome to read my books and ask me any questions, but really it all comes down to yourself – you are to work it out for yourself with your Mother and Father. Your mother and father screwed you up, but now through DLS, with your real and true Mother and Father, you will be able to repair the damage. And you will eventually be able to live true to yourself, true to nature, and true to Them.