Finding the truth…

If you’re seriously wanting to uncover the truth – of yourself, life and God, then you’ll have to do your Feeling-Healing or Soul-Healing, there is simply no other way.

To find out about just what doing your healing involves and why you need to do it: Speaking with Mary Magdalene and Jesus

The feminine aspect of spirituality

The feminine aspect of spirituality has largely remained hidden. This has happened as a part of humanity’s ongoing suppression and denial of the truth. In our male dominated society men pride themselves on being the spiritual leaders and women look to them for that leadership, however, ironically, it’s women who are the true spiritual leaders because of the fact that they live closer to their feelings. And feelings are the link to truth.

The trouble we face is that we’ve all been turned (one way or another and to a more or lesser extent) away from our feelings using our mind to dominate our lives. And by living using our minds means they take over from our feelings adding to our denial of them, which is, what so many women complain about to do with men: a feeling-less way to live.

All of the existing religions and spiritual ways have been evolved within and from this mind orientation and so at the expense of, and definitely without, consultation and involvement with women. They are men’s religions and spiritual systems. And so they don’t focus on feelings. They put all the emphasis on not trying to express ones feelings (particularly bad feelings) so as to not uncover truth of them. So they stop individuals revealing the truth to themselves of themselves, nature and God all through their own feelings. Which is the true way to live and what is truly being spiritual.

Men fear the input from women because as any man knows if he listens to what women have to say then most of what his self-importance is built up on will be broken down, and loosing face and power to someone who is ‘inferior’ is not what makes him feel good. So other than using women and relating superficially to them, it’s best to keep well away from them and those dreadfully nasty things called: feelings.

Divine Love Spirituality is all about expressing ones feelings and using them to find the truth of yourself – why you are feeling them. It focuses heavily on honouring the feminine aspect of oneself, and of spirituality. It is about inviting Mary Magdalene (Jesus’ soul-mate) in and allowing her to have her say, to finally hear what the Daughter of Truth has to say about the state of things here on Earth. And it’s about longing to and acknowledging that God is BOTH a Father and Mother, that our Heavenly Mother is very real, and we as Her children can go to Her and long to Her for Her love and help.

If you do want to sincerely grow in truth and live true to yourself and so evolve your own personal spirituality, then you will need at some point to include the feminine aspect of truth. However, please be aware that it’s not going to be just a nice all-loving time you’re going to have with it. It’s going to be hellishly confronting, because the feminine will show up all the crap, lies and deceit of how we live – how you are living. And to accept what you face when you uncover the truth of yourself and how you live through your feelings may make you feel very bad and will be very difficult to do.

If you choose to do your feeling- or soul-healing you’ll move deep into yourself having to deal with and confront your childhood repression – all the bad stuff that happened to you making you feel bad when you were young, and to do this is a harrowing experience. It will break you down out of your self- and feeling-denial, out of the control of your mind. And it’s no easy process. However, it is highly rewarding when finally you start to express your feelings truly, longing for the truth of them, and having it come up within you. When you feel yourself actually growing and evolving in truth then you understand that it’s all been worth the effort, and then you start to gain some idea and appreciation about just what the feminine aspect of truth is all about.

We’ve got it all wrong

We live in a truth denying world and yet we pretend we are looking for the truth and that we find it.

We wrongly believe there are many paths to God and each of them are as good as the other, but this is not so.

We, the individual person, is the path to God, and there are many of us, however all that we call spiritual and religious paths are leading us further from the truth. Further from the truth of ourselves.

And why I can say such a thing is because all of the spiritual and religious paths that currently exist help one to deny their bad feelings.  They help one to keep their childhood repression buried and in place.  They help one to keep their head in the sand remaining ignorant to what really is going on inside them – what really they are feeling.  And such feeling denial is anti-truth.

We can’t find the truth if we’re denying feelings.  Feelings are the way to truth.

If you sincerely want to uncover the truth of yourself, find the truth out for yourself, then you’ll only be able to do it through and with your feelings.  Just learning a lot of stuff with your mind and adding new beliefs is NOT growing in truth.

If you want to find your true path then it will be revealed through your feelings. And so to find it you’ll have to stop denying any feelings.  If you say to your self such things like: ‘It’s doesn’t really matter, I’m okay, it’s nothing to worry about, I’ll be all right – I’ll get over it, it’s really not that bad’, if you stop yourself from feeling all the bad feeling tending to brush them aside believing it’s wrong or even weak to feel them, then you ARE denying feelings.  And so you are denying yourself.

And by denying yourself you will NEVER find your true path and grow in truth. All you will do is delude yourself that you are.  And all the existing spiritual systems and religions are very good at, and all designed to, keep you in your feeling-denying anti-truth state.

That is the evil we live in: believing such systems of belief are helping us find the truth of ourselves, nature and God, when in fact they are actually doing the very opposite.

What really is being spiritual?

Being spiritual is just being you. We are, you are – a spiritual being. Really there is no such thing as ‘being spiritual’ because we just are already it.

However within this we can choose to live without truth or with it. We can live a truth-less life or a truth fulfilled one. And as we’re all born into a feeling- and self-denying negative state of being, we’re all living a truth-less spiritual existence.

But we don’t have to live this way. We can choose to do our feeling- or soul-healing and work our way out of our negative condition and into one of truth and of a positive mind and will.

And we can choose to do it (or at least begin it) on Earth or when we arrive in spirit.

So why live a truth inspired life? Why make the effort to uncover and reveal truth to yourself?

We are truth-loving and truth-needing souls. We are ascending sons and daughters of truth. And so our souls are designed to be truth-revealing. And if we lived in the right way, in a positive mind and will state rather than in the negative, we’d naturally grow in truth from our experiences. And this would make us feel good – the best we could feel. Very happy and fulfilled, and life would be full of meaning and purpose.

We are created to always be growing in truth. To not grow in truth makes us feel bad. All our misery and suffering, both personally and globally is because we’re living denying ourselves our natural growth of truth.

So what’s it all about?

I don’t know that I can answer that, however I do understand that the first ‘leg’ of our existence is to come fully into being as far as being a personality of truth is concerned. And this involves what’s called our ascension, which is an ascension of truth. And it begins on Earth in the negative, moves through healing this state, then continues on growing in truth up or ‘in’ through every increasing higher worlds of truth all the way to Paradise. Paradise being the centre and well-spring of all Creation, the home of our Heavenly Parents. And when we finally arrive there, ascending up through billions of worlds, it’s said we get to somehow and in some way ‘meet’ Them. With this meeting, our finally knowing of truth (for this stage in our life) comes: that They – God – are real and do exist, and They are our loving Parents, signalling the end of our first leg in eternity.

So being spiritual is really all about growing in truth. If you’re not actively growing in truth, which can only be done in the negative by healing it, then you are sort of ‘on hold’, accumulating experiences whilst you explore and expand your negative unloving self-denying condition, waiting until the day when you can call upon them to help you uncover the state of this anti-love way of life.

When all else fails…

When you’ve tried everything and still you feel bad, still you feel unfilled, still you are wondering what it’s all about, then you may be in a position to give up, to let go, to stop trying to work it all out for yourself. And if you reach this point within yourself, then may be ready for Divine Love Spirituality.

All other spiritual and religious systems are based on the negative, a self- and feeling-denial state of mind and will. They will only serve to keep you bound up within it. They might help you live more happily and with greater feelings of self-power and even self-love and love of God, however it will all still only be within the negative.

Divine Love Spirituality is about helping you recognise that you are trapped within the negative and then helping you to heal yourself of it.

So when you’ve finally had enough of living in a self-abusive, unloving, feeling-denying state, when you’re fully prepared to give it all up, then you may be ready to consider uncovering the truth of your negative state.

But until you reach this point, Divine Love Spirituality will probably not be very appealing as it doesn’t offer any of the usual and familiar ways to strengthen your dependance of your negative state. It does all it can to help you rid yourself of it. And by doing so it will make you confront a lot of what you are using the other systems of belief to avoid. And so unless you truly want to live true, giving up all the falseness of the other ways, then it will seem too much at odds with what you want to do.

Divine Love Spirituality waits for those people who sincerely want to find the truth of themselves through their feelings. It is the opposite way to all other existing systems, which it has to be if it’s going to be of any help in leading you out of the negative state you’re already in.

(9) Message from Mary Magdalene

part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

All of the things we tell you are to stimulate you into thinking about things. Everything in life is for that purpose. As you are stimulated you should start to see that it is not as straightforward as you thought. You may never have really looked into such issues. But once you allow yourself to, and start to feel the feelings good or bad, and start speaking about them and seeking the truth of them, you will enter into your own life and start to be a real functioning participator.

Too many people try to live what is written in the Bible. But you can’t, and it’s absurd to even try. You can take from it bits and pieces as they are relevant to your life, as you can take bits and pieces from any book, but it should be only treated as just another book, nothing special, only a collection of writings from long ago, and writings of very little truth.

If you are not open to everything, you will not allow yourself all experiences, and will limit yourself accordingly. All of the personal issues that arise from your feelings will need you to be open to all sources of input, so you can get what you need to help you to see the truth you are looking for. If you limit yourself to the Bible, or any other book, you will go no further than what it offers. If you limit yourself to what your parents told you, or school, or whatever else, you will limit yourself accordingly. If you pray to the Father for His Love, and ask Him to help you to understand the Truth, and Him alone, you will limit yourself. If you accept Jesus only into your life, you will limit yourself. And how you will limit yourself, as you will, you will have many unconscious limitations you rigidly adhere to, then you will cut yourself of from many otherwise enlightening and truth revealing experiences. So when you feel a limitation, acknowledge it, speak about it, and try to see why it is a limitation: how it came to be, how your parents limited you in that way. When you do find all the truth, the limitation will no longer limit you.

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(8) Message from Jesus

 part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

 … In no way am I interested in any such belief. So what if you believe in me, what does it do for your soul? A belief is merely a creation, a fabrication of the mind, and is not truth; it is not a direct expression of the substance of your soul. I can do nothing with a belief but leave you with it, and let you live it how you want. But with a truth I can come and be with you and help you to further your souls growth and understanding in that truth. And if I don’t do that in person, I can do it through my Spirit of Truth…


… The era of the Bible is destined to end with the ending of Mary’s and my attention to mankind on Earth and in spirit. It will still remain and persist, as many people and spirits will still want to live clinging to their negative mind states, but gradually over this forthcoming age its influence will wane, as fewer people want to be involved in such delusional fantasy. As we have said, Mary and I are moving on, and so all that has been associated with us directly or indirectly, as in all that has been believed about us, will come to an end. The end is near, the end of the era as it has been. Many can see the signs now, and only by resorting to miraculous healings have the spirits been able to maintain as much enthusiasm in their respective religions, but the crumbling signs are still evident. It will not just end all of sudden, but history will show that now was the start of the real decline.

Too many people are wanting to move on, and Christianity and other religions are only restricting such progress. Many attribute science as the cause of the erosion and the modern godless society it is making, but this is not entirely true. Just as many, and perhaps more people, want to know God, but what they don’t know is that they actually want to know Them in another way, a way different from the church or anything they know. And further they don’t even know that another way is possible, especially one in which Mary and I are still present and even very active – the real and true way.

The whole Christian movement has been the outworking of a negative state of mind. Many people have needed to experience it as a part of their journey into rebellion. It has all been wrong right from the start simply because Mary was left out. It could never have been what it is believed to be: the right way to God. It is only a great delusion of humanity. It has helped many to come to understand that there is a loving Father, and to become familiar with certain aspects of His personality, but does very little to help the progress of ones soul.

The Christian Way is destined to become a relic of humanity’s failed attempt to know God. Two thousand years in the course of hundreds of thousands of years is nothing. It will appear as a mere aberration, but nonetheless, an important one, for it will stand for all time as a testament as to the damage that can be done when the Creator Son and Daughter are not honoured for all that they are. And it will show and remain, as a reminder of all the wrong that can be done by the mortal and spirit mind of those who in no way sincerely want to live at-one their Father and Mother of Paradise.

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(6) Message from Jesus

part of a message from Jesus – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

Another point I want to make, one which we have said before, but I want to reiterate it now, is that these messages we are giving to you, James and the reader, are to help your mind form a picture, with which it can, if you accept it, feel more secure in. If you adopt it, then you have a base within which to feel things, as the picture will help you make more sense out of what you feel. As you are now, you are riddled with false, confusing and even contradicting pictures, so when things happen to you and you feel things, you can often go around in a big confused circle. You are so concerned about not hurting other peoples feelings, so concerned about the other person: what they will think of you, how they will feel, that you do not attend to your own feelings. Your parents made them attend to and focus on them, on how they were feeling, so this is what you do to everyone else instead of what your parents should have helped you to do – focus on yourself, and always attend to your own feelings.

We are trying to give you pictures that will help you gain, or at least come back to, an appreciation of yourself and what you are feeling. However, it won’t be until you heal the negative patterns causing you to not focus on yourself, that you will be able to form the correct pictures for yourself, so in the meantime you can somewhat use the ones we are giving to you.

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(5) Message from Mary Magdalene

part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

… And all through it I want you to ask, and even if necessary, to beg the Mother and Father to show you the truth of why you are feeling bad. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – TO WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH OF WHY YOU ARE FEELING BAD. For without wanting to know why – what’s the point, you may as well just keep on denying them, doing things believing they are making you feel good.

I don’t want you to go to Them with your mind for a quick answer, although you can discuss everything with Them, but to ask Them to SHOW YOU THE TRUTH THROUGH YOUR FEELINGS, so you can feel, and experience, and know categorically for yourself, why you feel bad. The truth will come up in independently to your mind, your mind should be kept out of it, until the truth has come as a result of your expressing your feelings, then you can use it to think about all you have see. You have to want to know your feelings, all the reasons why you feel so bad.

So remember: bad is good. And you can trust in the Mother and Father, They will only give you as much bad feelings at anyone time as They know you can deal with. And They will give you what YOU need. Do not look at others experiences and then try to live the same for yourself; compare and share experiences by all means, but what YOU need to feel and experience and express is what They know you need to, right then and now. They will guide you, and it is your complete and personal journey with Them.

To want to feel bad is hard. To be in pain and to ask the Mother and Father to help you to see and feel the truth is hard. To then still want the pain, and then more pain, is even harder. However, I am not saying you have to be a martyr, gritting your teeth and bearing it all no matter what, no, you do what you feel you must do. IT IS ALL ABOUT HONOURING YOUR FEELINGS ALL THE TIME, EVEN IF THEY SEEM CONTRADICTORY FROM ONE MOMENT TO THE NEXT, FOLLOW THEM AND EXPRESS EVERY ONE OF THEM…

… Ask the Mother and Father to break down all your negative mental patterns, to show you all your wrong beliefs and behaviours that have resulted because of these beliefs – ask Them to liberate all your childhood repression. Ask Them to strip you back to your pure soul and tell Them that you want to live with a pure and positive and loving mind. Tell Them that you want to see every part of you that hates yourself and why you do; and you want to feel and see why you are angry. Want to hate and be angry. You don’t have to do anything about any of your feelings except honour them, and accept that you have them, just allow yourself to be them and express them. When you feel like killing your mother or raging at your father you don’t have to follow through with such actions, but you do have to allow yourself to feel how much you want to kill her or rage at him and say what your feelings make you feel and what they make you feel like doing. Tell your friend or partner, tell the Mother and Father ALL you feel. No matter how embarrassed, or shameful, or terrible, or stupid, or bad you think you are. Remember it’s not the real you, it’s only bad stuff that has been put into you…

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(2) Message from Mary Magdalene

Part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

… Jesus didn’t have the Bible to learn from, and yet he revealed his – our – Father in Heaven. So why do people or spirits need it? And just because Jesus isn’t quite like ordinary people so far as his soul is concerned, that doesn’t mean that ordinary people can’t reveal the Mother and Father to themselves, they only need to use Jesus to give them a helping hand. What most people consider being religious or spiritual on Earth and in the natural love mansion worlds is nothing of the sort. It’s all to do with playing in the mind and being controlled by it. Peoples spiritual longings are real and true, but as there is no truth to connect them with, that is not until now, the mind has had a ball making up whatever it wants and calling it spiritual or being religious. Humanity is meant to evolve out of making up its own spiritualities and religions into accepting a truly revealed spirituality and religion; and because of this there is only One True Way, and that way is the way Jesus and I and other higher Daughters and Sons will reveal to you. In the Divine Love mansion worlds everyone believes the same things, and lives the same truth, and is approaching the Mother and Father in the same way, all because those spirits choose to live how Jesus and I have helped them to live. There are lots of books on the subject of growing in truth the Jesus and Mary way, and everyone lives the same Divine Love spirituality, there isn’t a plethora of different religions, spiritual systems and ways to live, there is only a cohesive whole all of which allows each individual to uncover and reveal to her and himself the truth of their own soul, the truth their soul wants them to live, and the truth God wants them to see.

The Mother and Father want humanity to continually be pushing on in their knowing of Them. They want all sorts of new understanding, insights and revelation to come to every person. They want each and every life to be a full revelation of Them as Jesus showed it could be. They want everyone to live as fully a divine life as Jesus did. They don’t want everyone to be a Christian or anything else, They just want you to be as fully expressed as you can be in love with Them and fully of Their love…

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