When all else fails…

When you’ve tried everything and still you feel bad, still you feel unfilled, still you are wondering what it’s all about, then you may be in a position to give up, to let go, to stop trying to work it all out for yourself. And if you reach this point within yourself, then may be ready for Divine Love Spirituality.

All other spiritual and religious systems are based on the negative, a self- and feeling-denial state of mind and will. They will only serve to keep you bound up within it. They might help you live more happily and with greater feelings of self-power and even self-love and love of God, however it will all still only be within the negative.

Divine Love Spirituality is about helping you recognise that you are trapped within the negative and then helping you to heal yourself of it.

So when you’ve finally had enough of living in a self-abusive, unloving, feeling-denying state, when you’re fully prepared to give it all up, then you may be ready to consider uncovering the truth of your negative state.

But until you reach this point, Divine Love Spirituality will probably not be very appealing as it doesn’t offer any of the usual and familiar ways to strengthen your dependance of your negative state. It does all it can to help you rid yourself of it. And by doing so it will make you confront a lot of what you are using the other systems of belief to avoid. And so unless you truly want to live true, giving up all the falseness of the other ways, then it will seem too much at odds with what you want to do.

Divine Love Spirituality waits for those people who sincerely want to find the truth of themselves through their feelings. It is the opposite way to all other existing systems, which it has to be if it’s going to be of any help in leading you out of the negative state you’re already in.