What really is being spiritual?

Being spiritual is just being you. We are, you are – a spiritual being. Really there is no such thing as ‘being spiritual’ because we just are already it.

However within this we can choose to live without truth or with it. We can live a truth-less life or a truth fulfilled one. And as we’re all born into a feeling- and self-denying negative state of being, we’re all living a truth-less spiritual existence.

But we don’t have to live this way. We can choose to do our feeling- or soul-healing and work our way out of our negative condition and into one of truth and of a positive mind and will.

And we can choose to do it (or at least begin it) on Earth or when we arrive in spirit.

So why live a truth inspired life? Why make the effort to uncover and reveal truth to yourself?

We are truth-loving and truth-needing souls. We are ascending sons and daughters of truth. And so our souls are designed to be truth-revealing. And if we lived in the right way, in a positive mind and will state rather than in the negative, we’d naturally grow in truth from our experiences. And this would make us feel good – the best we could feel. Very happy and fulfilled, and life would be full of meaning and purpose.

We are created to always be growing in truth. To not grow in truth makes us feel bad. All our misery and suffering, both personally and globally is because we’re living denying ourselves our natural growth of truth.

So what’s it all about?

I don’t know that I can answer that, however I do understand that the first ‘leg’ of our existence is to come fully into being as far as being a personality of truth is concerned. And this involves what’s called our ascension, which is an ascension of truth. And it begins on Earth in the negative, moves through healing this state, then continues on growing in truth up or ‘in’ through every increasing higher worlds of truth all the way to Paradise. Paradise being the centre and well-spring of all Creation, the home of our Heavenly Parents. And when we finally arrive there, ascending up through billions of worlds, it’s said we get to somehow and in some way ‘meet’ Them. With this meeting, our finally knowing of truth (for this stage in our life) comes: that They – God – are real and do exist, and They are our loving Parents, signalling the end of our first leg in eternity.

So being spiritual is really all about growing in truth. If you’re not actively growing in truth, which can only be done in the negative by healing it, then you are sort of ‘on hold’, accumulating experiences whilst you explore and expand your negative unloving self-denying condition, waiting until the day when you can call upon them to help you uncover the state of this anti-love way of life.