What really is being spiritual?

Being spiritual is just being you. We are, you are – a spiritual being. Really there is no such thing as ‘being spiritual’ because we just are already it.

However within this we can choose to live without truth or with it. We can live a truth-less life or a truth fulfilled one. And as we’re all born into a feeling- and self-denying negative state of being, we’re all living a truth-less spiritual existence.

But we don’t have to live this way. We can choose to do our feeling- or soul-healing and work our way out of our negative condition and into one of truth and of a positive mind and will.

And we can choose to do it (or at least begin it) on Earth or when we arrive in spirit.

So why live a truth inspired life? Why make the effort to uncover and reveal truth to yourself?

We are truth-loving and truth-needing souls. We are ascending sons and daughters of truth. And so our souls are designed to be truth-revealing. And if we lived in the right way, in a positive mind and will state rather than in the negative, we’d naturally grow in truth from our experiences. And this would make us feel good – the best we could feel. Very happy and fulfilled, and life would be full of meaning and purpose.

We are created to always be growing in truth. To not grow in truth makes us feel bad. All our misery and suffering, both personally and globally is because we’re living denying ourselves our natural growth of truth.

So what’s it all about?

I don’t know that I can answer that, however I do understand that the first ‘leg’ of our existence is to come fully into being as far as being a personality of truth is concerned. And this involves what’s called our ascension, which is an ascension of truth. And it begins on Earth in the negative, moves through healing this state, then continues on growing in truth up or ‘in’ through every increasing higher worlds of truth all the way to Paradise. Paradise being the centre and well-spring of all Creation, the home of our Heavenly Parents. And when we finally arrive there, ascending up through billions of worlds, it’s said we get to somehow and in some way ‘meet’ Them. With this meeting, our finally knowing of truth (for this stage in our life) comes: that They – God – are real and do exist, and They are our loving Parents, signalling the end of our first leg in eternity.

So being spiritual is really all about growing in truth. If you’re not actively growing in truth, which can only be done in the negative by healing it, then you are sort of ‘on hold’, accumulating experiences whilst you explore and expand your negative unloving self-denying condition, waiting until the day when you can call upon them to help you uncover the state of this anti-love way of life.

(9) Message from Jesus

part of a message from Mary – from messages from Mary and Jesus bk 2

I now want to change the subject to that of women’s liberation.

As it has been evolving, women have been gaining equal rights with men. And so they should, men shouldn’t make them feel inferior in the first place, women should never have not felt equal, but men need their power over women as women – their mothers – have made them feel so powerless.

What I want to point out is that women are setting out be the equal of men, but that is equal with men who are negative minded, and negative willed. Women only want to compete for men gaining equal status in the negative, in controlling things negatively, just as they see men do. And if this is what a woman wants then she should be able to have it, but what we want you to understand is that this sort of women’s liberation is only liberation within the negative states. And we want ALL WOMEN AND MEN to be liberated from their negative rebellious and unloving minds. So it’s a different type of liberation, the spiritual liberation we are suggesting.

Women are the true spiritual leaders, however if they merely persist in competing with men for power within the negative they will gain nothing, they will be selling out their soul and selling themselves sort with a false liberation.

Divine Love Spirituality – free books

Divine Love Spirituality – where revelation meets evolution.

DLS is primarily based on new revelation from spirit. And this new revelation has helped me spiritually and morally evolve myself.

There are various ways spirits can speak with mortals and using some of these ways Jesus has ‘come again’ telling us what we need to know. And one of those things is that Mary Magdalene is his soul-mate and equal; and Mary herself has ‘come again’, but this time telling us what she wants to say, that which she couldn’t speak about when on Earth. So together finally we can understand the whole truth Mary and Jesus want us to know. And simply what it entails is this:

That we can long with all our hearts to our Heavenly Mother and Father for Their Divine Love.

That God is ONE SOUL but with TWO PERSONALITIES – expressed as our true Mother and Father. And this is the same as us, in that we too are one soul, with our soul-mate and ourself expressing the two parts or personalities of it.

That finally we can relate to the Feminine Aspect of God just as equally as the Masculine, and that there IS a feminine aspect, that which has been kept hidden for so long.

That we can with the help of Their Divine Love, transform our souls of imperfect natural love into divine perfection, and the process, or how we do it, is through our soul-healing.

That our soul-healing is healing our negative mind and will condition, that which was forced on us and we were made to accept as we were growing up. That which is collectively called our childhood repression.

Now finally we can live a spirituality that takes us from growing up with our mother and father, through to our accepting our spiritual parents – Mary Magdalene and Jesus, who guide us to know God personally as our soul parents – our Mother and Father. Now finally it all makes sense!

Now we can take this new revelation and evolve our spiritual life with it.

Are you ready?

Exciting new revelation! Wonderful new truth! Are you sick and tried of your religion or spiritual system? Do you feel like you’ve done it all? And to do yet another workshop, to read yet another self-help book, to go to yet another ‘try and meet your spirit guide’ class, to do another ‘try and get in touch with your higher-self’ visualisation’, would make you puke? Do you feel that your prayers to God over all those years have fallen on deaf ears because nothing good has really happened, that you are still no better off then you were? Have you sat on your bum until it’s numb saying your mantra, trying to raise your kundalini, looking at imaginary things, but now you’ve had enough? Are you just fed up with the whole ‘looking for something’, the quest, the spiritual search? Do you just want to find out and know for sure what it IS all about? Are you at that point of chucking it all in, turning your back on it all and just making as much money as you can and to hell with it… but you just can’t? And do you really want to know the truth? Do you really? Or are you still going to by that next book that does the rounds speaking about the magical ten steps you can now do that guarantees enlightenment?

So what is IT all about?

And what would happen if you read on some blokes blog something to the effect that all you have already done is not worth a cracker toward helping you spiritually grow or get closer to God? What if he said, that sure, it was all good experience and that which will be used in future, but only to shed light on how wrong it has all been for you so far?

And so here you are. Possibly ready, as I once was having tried just about everything there was, to look at something new, something very far reaching, something, that if embraced, will change you forever.

And here you are possibly ready to give up the falseness, and to begin anew.

For here you are ready to listen to what Jesus and Mary Magdalene have to say, to what they really have to say and not all the rubbish made up by the Church.

And if you are truly ready to find the truth of yourself, not just waste your time playing around in your mind, then perhaps you might be ready to look more closely at Divine Love Spirituality – The One True Way To God.

Gee it’s great having your own blog and saying all those corny things you’ve wanted to say!