The feminine aspect of spirituality

The feminine aspect of spirituality has largely remained hidden. This has happened as a part of humanity’s ongoing suppression and denial of the truth. In our male dominated society men pride themselves on being the spiritual leaders and women look to them for that leadership, however, ironically, it’s women who are the true spiritual leaders because of the fact that they live closer to their feelings. And feelings are the link to truth.

The trouble we face is that we’ve all been turned (one way or another and to a more or lesser extent) away from our feelings using our mind to dominate our lives. And by living using our minds means they take over from our feelings adding to our denial of them, which is, what so many women complain about to do with men: a feeling-less way to live.

All of the existing religions and spiritual ways have been evolved within and from this mind orientation and so at the expense of, and definitely without, consultation and involvement with women. They are men’s religions and spiritual systems. And so they don’t focus on feelings. They put all the emphasis on not trying to express ones feelings (particularly bad feelings) so as to not uncover truth of them. So they stop individuals revealing the truth to themselves of themselves, nature and God all through their own feelings. Which is the true way to live and what is truly being spiritual.

Men fear the input from women because as any man knows if he listens to what women have to say then most of what his self-importance is built up on will be broken down, and loosing face and power to someone who is ‘inferior’ is not what makes him feel good. So other than using women and relating superficially to them, it’s best to keep well away from them and those dreadfully nasty things called: feelings.

Divine Love Spirituality is all about expressing ones feelings and using them to find the truth of yourself – why you are feeling them. It focuses heavily on honouring the feminine aspect of oneself, and of spirituality. It is about inviting Mary Magdalene (Jesus’ soul-mate) in and allowing her to have her say, to finally hear what the Daughter of Truth has to say about the state of things here on Earth. And it’s about longing to and acknowledging that God is BOTH a Father and Mother, that our Heavenly Mother is very real, and we as Her children can go to Her and long to Her for Her love and help.

If you do want to sincerely grow in truth and live true to yourself and so evolve your own personal spirituality, then you will need at some point to include the feminine aspect of truth. However, please be aware that it’s not going to be just a nice all-loving time you’re going to have with it. It’s going to be hellishly confronting, because the feminine will show up all the crap, lies and deceit of how we live – how you are living. And to accept what you face when you uncover the truth of yourself and how you live through your feelings may make you feel very bad and will be very difficult to do.

If you choose to do your feeling- or soul-healing you’ll move deep into yourself having to deal with and confront your childhood repression – all the bad stuff that happened to you making you feel bad when you were young, and to do this is a harrowing experience. It will break you down out of your self- and feeling-denial, out of the control of your mind. And it’s no easy process. However, it is highly rewarding when finally you start to express your feelings truly, longing for the truth of them, and having it come up within you. When you feel yourself actually growing and evolving in truth then you understand that it’s all been worth the effort, and then you start to gain some idea and appreciation about just what the feminine aspect of truth is all about.